2024年8月10日(土)~2024年8月18日(日)まで弊社夏季休業日となります。何卒ご了承くださいませ。 |
弊社ではこれまで第2土曜日、第4土曜日を営業日として参りましたが、令和6年5月1日より毎週土曜日、日曜日と祝日を休業日とし、週休二日制を実施させていただくこととなりました。何卒ご理解とご協力を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。 |
本機は、ハンマー加工により金属管及びソリッド材等を形成するものです。 注射針から鋼管柱まで幅広い寸法が可能です。また代表的なものでは金属バット及び自動車用部品に多く利用されています。
A variety of shaped Metal pipe and solid rod are processing by Swaging Machines depend on hammering work.
Many of sizu can be product from injection needle to highway lighting pole.
Metal bat of baseball and golf shaft is typical of the products.
The latest Lithium Ion Battery’s materials was requires quality rolling equipment that produces thinner and higher precision plates.
The present day keep on development next generation of new Battery. That is very inportant task for sustainable ecology life in society of civilization.
We intend to developed high performance rolling mill.
Ø200 from Ø800 roll diameter is standard.
This tools are made from high precision strong steel diecast.
High rigidity stackd Roller Dies;therefore, easy drawing for difficulty processing metals.
You can choice many case of combined system result in the achievement of accurate shape control.
Forming of the pipe and wire, corner of the rectangular wire forming, and deformed wire forming.
Turks Heads is rolling operation, the working drawing, compensate for weaknesses, effective efficient economical unit.
Angle wire, rectangular wire, deformed wire, etc., it is possible to process a variety of shapes.
Aluminum, stainless steel, spring steel, and copper, can support the processing of all materials.